Welcome to Ockham Church
Regular services
Church for us is not just about an attractive, historic building, but a living, vibrant community of all ages, serving God, growing together and reaching out to those around us.
We offer a 9am service at St Michael’s Chapel, Downside and our main service at 1030am at All Saint’s Ockham. There is a Family Service on the first Sunday of the month and Pebbles, our children’s church meets on the second and third Sundays during the service.
We have a small but enthusiastic unrobed choir, a team of bellringers and a church infant school, St Matthew’s in Downside
Come and join us, you will find a warm, friendly welcome at any of our churches.

Revd Anna Norton
Ockham church needs your support. You can donate with a card by clicking on the button below.
All Saints' Church, Ockham
10.30am in church, but also on Zoom
1st Sunday: Family Service
2nd Sunday: Holy Communion + Pebbles children's church
3rd Sunday: Sunday Worship + Pebbles children's church
4th Sunday: Holy Communion
St Michael's Chapel, Downside
9am in the chapel
1st Sunday, Songs of Praise
2nd & 4th Sundays: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Sunday Worship

All Saints' Church, Ockham

Parish Safeguarding Officer: safeguarding@ockhamchurch.org.uk
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Jackie Broadfoot jackie.broadfoot@cofeguildford.org.uk or 07918 559387
All Saints' Church, Ockham
with St Michael's Chapel, Downside